
For the Love of the Agave spirit

Well if you are reading this- it’s probably because I sent you the link to check out my tequila collection, or you are a friend of a true tequila lover -like myself.

If you know me you probably know a bit of my history, but I’ll give the super short version. After many years of traveling and working for the Grateful Dead, until Jerry died in 1995- At which point I moved to San Francisco. While in SF I spent a lot of time at a bar named Tommy’s Mexican restaurant, Julio the owner is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to tequila, it’s history and the industry.

I was hired to start Santana’s merchandising/licensing division. There was no shortage of tequila while on the road with Santana and Mana’ in the states, Mexico, and abroad.

I’ve met a great many great tequila folks in the community, but when I met Rolando Navarro at a tequila event in Monterey several years ago. He had been collecting for as long as I had, but had amassed a much greater amount of special bottles that I had long given up on seeking. In addition, he not only knew most master distillers, and had a great reputation with so many of our mutual friends and folks in the tequila world.

My never ending quest to taste and acquire the best tequila ever made, was about to go to the next level. Since our love for the agave spirit where so similar in many ways, including but not limited to the storage, sharing, and the history of the industry. Trusting the purchase of a great portion of his collection would be a good fit.

I am always looking to make trades for bottles , discuss, and get together to further my agave journey. So feel free to reach out